martes, 6 de abril de 2010


Los niños y niñas de 1º están aprendiendo a cantar y bailar la canción
para aprender algunas partes del cuerpo y la verdad es que....
¡están hechos tod@s un@s artistas!

Aquí os dejo un video de la canción para que podáis practicar en casa.

sábado, 3 de abril de 2010



You are astronauts on a mission to another planet in our solar system. You will join a crew to gather information about your destination.

The Task

Your job is to collect data about your planet. Your crew of astronauts will work as a team to collect this scientific information. You will need to show your data sheet to Mission Control before blast off.

1. Pre-flight requirements:
- Know your destination (planet)
- Name your mission and design a patch (badge)

2. Data Collection:
-Name (What is your planet name?)
-Distance from the Sun (How many kilometres?)
-Diameter (What is the distance across your planet?)
-Mass and gravity
-Period of revolution (How long is one year on your planet in Earth years?)
-Rotation period (One day on your planet equals how many hours/days on Earth?)
-Moons (How many? What are their names?)
-Temperature (How hot or cold is it?)
-Atmosphere (What gases are in the atmosphere?)
-Planet name and symbol
-Other Interesting facts (Special features. Does it have volcanoes, craters, rings, etc..?)

The Process

1. Contact Mission Control for your planet destination.
2. Design a patch for your mission.
3. Fill in the Planet Report Chart.
4. To do your research, read the information of your planet and write your notes under the correct headings.
5. Now you are ready to write the rough copy for the “Planetarium Magazine”. Remember to include photos of your planet.

The Evaluation

Mission Control will take into account the following aspects:
1. Comprehensive reading
2. The information and images included
3. The structure of the composition
4. The correct use of writing conventions (capital letters, punctuation, spelling, etc.)
5. The design
6. The presentation

The Conclusion

Hooray!! You are super astronauts! Now you know more things about all the planets of our Solar System.

Good work Little Detectives!

(Delivery date: Friday, 8th of April)